MQG Zoom We have a Zoom account available to use on a first-come first-served basis. If you would like to schedule it to use for monthly meetings, board meetings, or sew-ins — please submit your request below. We will confirm that the date and time you have requested is available. If it is available we will schedule it, and send you the Zoom Meeting invitation to share with your members. If that time is already taken we will send you an email letting you know. ZOOM RESERVATIONS ARE LIMITED TO 3 HOURS PER DAY Jump to Frequently Asked Questions Please log in to submit the Guild Zoom Request Form Frequently Asked Questions: WHAT IS THE ZOOM PLATFORM?Zoom is a virtual meeting room platform, and it’s what we at the MQG use for our own webinars. In addition to our national webinar license, we’ve purchased a smaller license that MQG Guilds and MQG Affinity Communities can use to host their own meetings. WHY SHOULD WE HOLD A MEETING ON ZOOM?Zoom is a great way to bridge the gap between members if you need to hold a virtual meeting or touch base. WHO FROM MY GUILD SHOULD USE ZOOM?We recommend that you designate one leader to coordinate the meeting. HOW MANY PARTICIPANTS ARE ALLOWED?The Zoom platform will accommodate 100 attendees signing in from different computers. CAN SEVERAL PEOPLE TUNE IN FROM ONE LOCATION?Yes. It may be useful to hook up the host computer to a projector and show the meeting on a big screen. If you do this, remember that the meeting manager should always be sitting by the computer so they can communicate with attendees and troubleshoot if needed. Zoom Meetings FeatureAvailable for MeetingsParticipant rolesHost and co-host, participantAudio sharingAll participants can mute/unmute their own audio. The host can mute/request to unmute participants. The host can set all participants to mute upon entry.Participants listVisible to all participantsReactions✔RegistrationRegistration for meetings