Leadership Webinar: Tips for Swaps, Challenges, Bees, and Round Robins Join Rochelle Rosales and Heather Kinion as they discuss tips for swaps, challenges, bees, and round robins. Drawing on the experience of the Guild Leadership Programming committee and numerous MQG guild leaders, you’ll walk away with great information to use to keep it fun, fair, and engaging. Read More
Approaches to Improv There are as many ideas about improv as there are quilters. As different as their styles may be, there’s a thread of commonality that runs through these improv quilts – a structure upon which each seemingly unique quilt is built. In this webinar, we will talk about various approaches to… Read More
Leadership Webinar: Community Building Join members of the Guild Leadership Task Force as they discuss best practices and techniques to build your guild community. Drawing on the experience of the Guild Programming and Leadership Task Force and numerous MQG guild leaders, you’ll walk away with great information to apply to your guild. Read More
Fearless Straight Line Quilting Wait! Why are you so afraid of machine quilting with rulers? In this fun webinar with Natalia Bonner, Natalia will show you some basics of quilting with machine quilting rulers. You’ll find that anyone can do it! Working on a domestic machine or longarm machine, you can use machine quilting… Read More
A Graphic Designers Guide to Quilt Design and Layout In this webinar, Christine Ricks takes you through her background in graphic design and how it lead her to her love of modern quilting. From examples of her work with more structured designs using foundation paper piecing to her more relaxed and freeing improv style, she will illustrate the ways… Read More
Improv Hand Quilting Join Heidi Parkes for an in-depth discussion of her approach to hand quilting in three parts. First, stitch formation and improvisation will be discussed with lots of visuals of her quilts, in reference to the evolution of Heidi’s own design aesthetic. Second, hand quilting will be covered in regard to… Read More
Made in Japan: Quilts, Cotton and Indigo Cotton & Indigo from Japan: The Very Old and the Very New. Japan’s textile history will come alive as you learn about two epic plants and how they forever changed the world: cotton and indigo. Indigo is native to Japan and for centuries, it has inspired weavers, dyers, merchants and… Read More
Modern Quilts from My Grandmothers In this webinar, Sarah Bond will discuss part quilt history, part family history, and part modern quilt inspiration. Jane Arthur Bond was born a slave in 1828 in Kentucky. Louvinia Clarkson Cleckley was born a slave in 1858 in South Carolina. Anna Gibson Bond was born in 1869. Ruth Clement… Read More
Beyond Modern Traditionalism: Blocks Inspired by Other Crafts Updating traditional blocks and pulling inspiration from nature or architecture are common practices in modern quilting, but it’s harder to find quilts inspired by other crafts. In this webinar, Ginny will describe how she approached designing her afghan-inspired quilt, “Fauchet” and how her relationships and conversations with craftspeople in her… Read More
Take the Leap: Facing Your Fears of Improv Improv piecing is like standing on a cliff with a clear, deep, pool below. Some of us can’t wait to make the leap, and others are so terrified that we quietly walk back down the way we came. The majority of us are somewhere in between. This webinar by improv… Read More