
This is my archive

News & Happenings

Antics, April 2016

This pattern includes the Bonnie and Clyde blocks, which can be used on their own or combined with other 9″ finished blocks to create a variety of quilts. Amy has included two additional layout ideas to get you started creating designs of your own!… Read More

City Lights, March 2016

The quilt City Lights is inspired by the reflections of street and car lights in the city streets after a good rain. The design was originally a Quilt Design a Day (QDAD) design that was reworked to include some of my favorite colors. For the design, I was really… Read More

Rally, February 2016

Rally is about the experience of being a member of a community. Individuals join together to make a group, and in turn, the group helps them to define their individuality. The quilt uses an improvisational technique to make blocks that are unique and wonky, but when assembled as a… Read More

Meeting of the Geese, January 2016

This dynamic lap-sized quilt measuring 63” x 63” is reminiscent of flying geese (hence the name), but is actually made with simple half square triangles. It was inspired by a traditional quilt block called “North Wind.” The hardest part is choosing colors! This version uses three solids: a light… Read More

Party Streamers, December 2015

No matter the celebration, we loooove to decorate. Party Streamers was inspired by the countless times we’ve decorated for a birthday, wedding anniversary, baby shower, or holiday party! There’s a crepe paper loving self in all of us. This confident beginner 36″ x 36″ lap quilt is perfect for precuts,… Read More

Jeweled, November 2015

Jeweled is inspired by the diamond, its flow and movement, and how the shape changes as you look closer. If you play with color in this quilt pattern, you can illuminate different aspects of the design and come up with something totally unique. Have fun and use your imagination!… Read More

Slice of Happiness, October 2015

Slice of Happiness was inspired by a glass of lemonade, warm summer days, sitting in the backyard, sipping a cold drink, and having nothing in the world to do but relax. The 3/4 circles represent both the condensation on the glass and the slices of citrus inside. The simplicity of… Read More

Phoenix, September 2015

Phoenix is created primarily from modified drunkard’s path blocks. Curves can be intimidating, but with just a little practice you’ll be conquering them soon enough! The curved pieces in Phoenix are large and only rarely require lining up which makes this a very forgiving pattern for learning. Read More

Altitudinal Ecosystem, August 2015

Altitudinal Ecosystem is a design I created while participating in Quilt Design a Day. Anne Sullivan (@playcrafts) provided the inspiration photo of lakes and snow-capped, tree-covered mountains in November 2014. I loved the inspiration as it reminded me of my ecology studies, the mountain highlighting the diversity of species and… Read More

Quadra, July 2015

I love the geometry of a quilt block. As a graphic designer, I look at two-dimensional things all day. I think that’s why I enjoy quilting so much. What inspired me to make the Quadra Quilt pattern was the way the fabric and color came together to create an illusion… Read More