Start an MQG Member Guild MQG Member Guilds are local guilds that are members of the Modern Quilt Guild. As MQG Member Guilds they share in the MQG’s mission to support and encourage the growth and development of modern quilting through art, education, and community. Need to know what modern quilting is – check out our guide. What is modern quilting? Expectations of an MQG Member Guild MQG Member Guilds are expected to participate in the MQG’s mission by contributing to the growth and development of modern quilting through art, education, and community. Examples of how MQG Member Guilds participate in the mission of the MQG – though there are many others. They provide education at meetings to help develop members’ skills. This can be as simple as members sharing their processes and teaching each other. They help to grow and spread modern quilting in their communities. For example, holding guild quilt shows, having booths at craft fairs, and quilt displays in community buildings such as libraries, or local parks. They actively welcome all who are interested in modern quilting, by making sure new members and guests feel welcome. Name tags, welcoming committees, and mentors are great ways to help new and prospective members feel welcome. They cultivate a supportive atmosphere where members can develop and grow as modern quilters. Having regular Show and Tell at meetings is a great way for members to encourage one another. Opportunities for socializing during and outside of meetings is another way for members to get to know one another and feel connected. MQG Member Guilds are expected to abide by the MQG’s Inclusion statement. The Modern Quilt Guild (MQG) seeks to foster a vibrant and inclusive organization built on encouragement and mutual respect, where all feel welcome. We support the participation of ALL interested in the growth and development of modern quilting and we value the diversity arising from differences that make us who we are. MQG Member Guilds are expected to have ALL of their members on the Guild’s MQG roster. MQG Member Guilds are the members and all of the Guild’s members, whether or not they personally use MQG member benefits, are benefiting as members of the Guild from the Guild’s MQG Membership. MQG Member Guilds must not operate for a profit. All MQG Member Guilds are expected to operate as nonprofits. Being a nonprofit organization does not forbid the Guild from making a profit or having a bank account; however, any profit earned must be invested back into the operations of the Guild and cannot benefit any person or board member. The MQG is a nonprofit corporation with IRS 501(c)(3) status. ***All U.S. Member Guilds are required to participate in the MQG’s federal group 501(c)(3) tax exemption. The MQG expects its member Guilds to welcome all prospective members. While there are rare cases where meeting spaces can not be found to accommodate more members at meetings, MQG Member Guilds should not exclude members based on MQG dues. MQG Member Guilds are not exclusive clubs, select groups of friends, or the “benefit” of another guild’s membership.MQG Guild Membership Includes The use of the Modern Quilt Guild name. The Modern Quilt Guild ® (“Mark”) is a registered trademark of The Modern Quilt Guild (“MQG”). The MQG grants MQG Member Guilds nonexclusive, nontransferable licenses to use the Mark during their membership terms. The license terminates automatically when the Guild membership term ends. Advertising the Guild on the MQG website Find a Guild map, with a public web page to provide information about the Guild – meeting days and times, contact email, and links to external websites (blogs, Facebook, Instagram, etc). All to help new members find the Guild. Programming ideas and educational resources. Use of the MQG Zoom for the Guild Leadership support A private MQG Community page for the Guild which includes areas for:Guild Announcements Event advertisement and registration A News & Happening section to share articles about what’s going on in the Guild A Guild Library to share documents, images, and videos A discussion thread for members to chat with one another The ability to email members 501(c)(3) federal non-profit status as a part of our group exemption for guilds who are located in the U.S. In addition, as an MQG Member Guild, all of the Guild’s members receive the following MQG Membership benefits. Regular Educational Programming Access to the online MQG Community Access to the MQG Resource Libraryquilt patterns block studies on-demand videos articles and more Ability to enter the Annual MQG Mini Swap Ability to join in the Annual MQG Sew-Along Ability to participate in MQG challengesAnnual Make A Difference Challenge QuiltCon ChallengesCommunity Outreach Challenge Fabric Challenge and more Ability to submit quilts to QuiltCon Early bird Access to QuiltCon registration Member-only QuiltCon discounts Digital membership cards And More! MQG Member Guild Dues The amount of dues the Guild pays to the MQG is based on its size. This is in order to spread out the cost equitably among the various sizes of guilds. MQG Membership dues are charged annually at renewal. In addition, a mid-year membership audit and dues assessment will be made in August. If a guild has moved to a higher tier level than they were billed for at renewal, an invoice will be sent reflecting the difference, prorated at 50%. Visit our Dues page for current rates and more information about dues and renewals. MQG Membership dues for new MQG Member Guilds are paid upon registering the Guild using a credit or debit card.Requirements to become an MQG Guild The steps for joining the MQG are a little different based on whether you’re starting a brand new guild or are an established guild joining the MQG as an MQG Member Guild. Choose the section that applies to you. Join the MQG As an MQG Member Guild Start A Brand New MQG Member GuildResources to help you get started Setting up the Guild as an organization For guilds outside of the U.S., it’s essential to consult and follow the laws of your country when establishing the Guild. ***Guilds in the U.S. will need to establish an organization based on the requirements of their state. State laws determine the trust instrument, corporate charter, articles of incorporation, articles of association, or other written instrument by which an organization is properly created. Many will have specific requirements to be included in the guild bylaws. Bylaws By-laws are an organization’s internal operating rules and most nonprofit organizations find it advisable to have internal operating rules. ***They are required for MQG Member Guilds in the U.S. Sample Bylaws Elected officers Every MQG Member Guild must have an annually elected Board of Directors consisting of at least three unrelated individuals. Open a bank account Guilds need a bank account in order to collect dues and keep the Guild’s monies separate from any member’s personal accounts. What does it mean to be non-profit? The word “non-profit” generally is used to describe organizations that work to serve a public purpose, rather than to provide a financial benefit to any particular individual or group. Most nonprofits are organized around a particular mission or community goal. This charitable mission is what distinguishes it from a for-profit corporation. They can still make a profit and have a bank account, but all profits must be invested back into the organization and cannot inure to any person or board member. EIN ***All MQG Member Guilds located in the U.S. must have an EIN from the IRS. How to apply for an EIN. Group IRS 501(c)(3) Exemption ***The MQG is authorized to serve as a parent organization for a group 501(c)(3). This means that we can apply to have our MQG Member Guilds located in the U.S. added to our exemption to share the same tax status. This avoids the need for each organization to apply for exemption individually. All guilds located in the United States are required to participate in the 501(c)(3) group exemption. Checklist for an established quilt guild joining the MQG Guild name – You’ll need to revise the Guild’s name to conform to the MQG’s standard naming convention – [Region] Modern Quilt Guild (e.g., Austin Modern Quilt Guild, Central Iowa Modern Quilt Guild, etc.). A guild email address – You’ll use this to set up the Guild Membership. It is best to have a guild email separate from anyone’s personal email address so that it can be accessed by multiple officers, and stays with the Guild when officers change over time. (For example [email protected], [email protected], etc.) Elected officers – If you don’t already have them, make sure you have at least three unrelated elected officers. You’ll need the names of your elected officers and their positions for the application. Guild membership roster – The first name, last name, and email address of each member. After you’ve registered them, they’ll receive a welcome email letting them know how to log in to access their membership benefits. Bylaws – Guilds located outside of the U.S. should develop internal operating rules according to the rules of their country.Guilds located in the United States will either need to develop and adopt a set of bylaws or revise them to include the requirements for U.S. MQG Member Guilds in the Sample Bylaws. Bank Account – Open a bank account if you don’t already have one. A separate guild bank account is required to keep the Guild’s monies separate from any member’s personal account. Populate the Guild’s public MQG webpage linked to the Find A Guild map. You can do this during the application or later.Link to the Guild website Links to the Guild’s social media (Instagram, Facebook, etc) The Guild’s meeting location and/or times The Guild mission statement, an about us paragraph, and/or welcome statement The Guild Logo Pay Dues – This will happen during registration. Additional requirements for MQG Member Guilds located in the United States:A guild mailing address – Where to send the Guild’s tax information. For most guilds, this is the president or treasurer’s address. Some guilds purchase a PO box, but someone must regularly pick up the mail. Guild financial information If you filed an IRS 990 information return last year, the Guild’s profit and loss statement or balance sheet. An Excel spreadsheet or other spreadsheet is fine. A copy of the Guild EIN letter – You’ll need an EIN if you don’t already have one. If you already have one you’ll need to update the Guild name to the new MQG Member Guild name on your next IRS information return (990 form). An EIN is similar to a social security number, it identifies the organization with the IRS. How to apply for an EIN. Complete the U.S. MQG Group Exemption Form to join the MQG 501(c)(3) group exemption after paying dues. Become an MQG Member GuildStarting a brand new MQG Member Guild A guild with fewer than 10 members is classified as a Starter Guild. During this one-year start-up period, a Starter Guild has all of the benefits of other MQG Member guilds except that it is not qualified to apply for inclusion in the MQG group 501(c)(3) federal tax exemption until the first dues are paid. You’ll need the following 3 things to get started 1. A name for the new Guild All MQG Member Guild names must follow the MQG’s standard naming convention – [Region] Modern Quilt Guild (e.g., Austin Modern Quilt Guild, Central Iowa Modern Quilt Guild, etc.). 2. Guild email address You’ll use this to set up your MQG Guild Membership. It is best to have a guild email separate from anyone’s personal email address so that it can be accessed by multiple officers, and stays with the guild when officers change over time. (For example [email protected], [email protected], etc.) 3. A guild mailing address Where to send the Guild’s tax information to go. For most Guilds, this is the president or treasurer’s address. Some guilds purchase a PO box, but someone must regularly pick up the mail. 4. Populate the Guild’s public MQG webpage linked to the Find A Guild map. You can add them during the application or later. Link to the Guild website Links to the Guild’s social media (Instagram, Facebook, etc) The Guild meeting location and/or times The Guild mission statement, an about us paragraph, and/or welcome statement The Guild Logo Start an MQG Member Guild A Starter Guild has one year to get organized and meet the following requirements. Open a bank account for the Guild A separate guild bank account is required to keep the Guild’s monies separate from any member’s personal account. * Even though as a starter Guild you don’t pay MQG dues, you’ll want to begin collecting dues from members as they join. The MQG leaves it up to the local guilds to set their own dues so that they can tailor them to fit their own needs. One immediate expense the Guild might have is meeting location costs. You’ll also want to start building savings for MQG dues, guest speakers, and deposits for things like retreat spaces if you plan to have them. Most established MQG Member Guilds do let people come and try out 1 or 2 meetings for free before they must join and pay dues. Elect officers Elect at least three non-related elected officers for the Guild. Establish Bylaws – You’ll either need to develop and adopt a set of bylaws or other internal operating rules for the Guild. If the Guild is located in the U.S. it is required to have bylaws that include the requirements for U.S. MQG Member Guilds in the Sample Bylaws. Submit a copy of the Guild EIN letter Obtain an EIN from the IRS. An EIN is similar to a social security number, it identifies the Guild with the IRS. How to apply for an EIN. Submit an IRS 990 information return and a Profit & Loss statement Guilds located in the U.S. must file an IRS 990 information return every year. Even Starter Guilds that are not yet part of the MQG group exemption. We’ll send you a reminder when it’s time. In addition, MQG Member Guilds located in the U.S. must submit a Profit & Loss document for the MQG to hold on file in case it is ever requested by the IRS. Pay Dues You’ll receive an invoice once the Guild has 10 or more members or when the one-year Starter Guild period is over. Join the MQG 501(c)(3) group exemption. After the Guild has paid its first dues you’ll need to complete the U.S. MQG Group Exemption Form to join the MQG’s 501(c)(3) group exemption. We’ll send you an email when it’s time.