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News & Happenings

Positively Transparent, August 2017

Positively Transparent explores transparency within a modern plus sign design achieving a layered effect to the plus signs. The original Positively Transparent measuring just 16″ x 18″ was displayed at QuiltCon 2016 in the Small Quilts category. The mini quilt was started in a workshop with Lizzy House focusing on… Read More

Who Gives a Flying FQ About Accuracy?

Do you give a flying FQ about accuracy? While we love the freedom and creativity of improv-piecing, sometimes quilters require accurately pieced blocks for charity projects, guild block lottos, bees, planned projects of a required size, and preserving carefully pieced points. Fabric is expensive and time is precious; in this… Read More

Aviator’s Arrow, July 2017

Quilt blocks don’t have to be square! We already know that when you piece six equilateral triangles together, you get a hexagon. But what happens when you elongate that triangle? All of a sudden you have a different design. And what happens when you add a design to that triangle?… Read More

Collegiate Quilting: The Intersection of Mentor and Teacher

By Stephanie Ruyle When you must design and execute original design as part of a college-level course, many would immediately think of fashion. This past winter, at the Makers Space Idea Forge, on the campus of the University of Colorado, Boulder, a group of mostly engineers, both young men and… Read More

Quilt Display: Tips from a Preservation Perspective

Above: Antique Star Quilt, photo courtesy of Amy Smart, By Amy Friend, Seacoast MQG This is the second installment of my quilt preservation and care series. In my last article, I spoke about quilt storage. Today’s topic is quilt use/display. Before continuing on, I want to make clear that… Read More

Industrial Revolution, July 2017

“During the first Industrial Revolution, the spinning jenny changed the way cloth was manufactured. Today, in the midst of the fourth industrial revolution, robotics and technology can manufacture anything locally at low cost and faster than ever. The design was inspired by the factories often associated with industrialization but references… Read More

Fabulously Fused Modern Quilts

Using fusible web to create modern quilts means no shape is off limits! This tutorial with Sue Bleiweiss will show you how easy it is to create dynamic modern quilts using fusing as your primary construction technique. She’ll walk you through the basics of using fusible web as well as… Read More

Organising a Gallery Space at a National Event

The Knitting and Stitching Shows are the UK’s premier craft events for the general public with shows held in different locations around the country. They have a mixture of vendor stands, workshops, demos and textile gallery spaces. Last year they held their first event in Edinburgh and I became… Read More

Diamond in the Rough, June 2017

Paper piecing can be a fun way to explore designs that would not be achievable otherwise. Diamond in the Rough is a fun block with some challenges for those looking to increase skills. Or just to practice paper piecing in block form to see if it’s something you enjoy without… Read More

Halfervecent, June 2017

“The Halfervecent quilt is an oversized foundation paper piecing pattern. It came about as an evolution of a sketch I’d done awhile back. I’d been playing with the color wheel as a shape and had sewn up some small versions to just try out paper piecing on my own. I came… Read More