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News & Happenings

Minimalism and Improv with Nicole Neblett, Fresh Quilting 212

Less is often so much more. Minimalist quilt designer Nicole Neblett designs with negative space to achieve the modern aesthetic. Designer Luana Rubin shares inspirations from her world travels and lasting connections with quilters around the globe. Improv quilt artist Leslie Tucker Jenison cuts, pieces and sews curves… Read More

Finding Precision with Violet Craft, Fresh Quilting 205

Precision is key to creating stunning quilts. Violet Craft puts her technology experience to work as she builds quilts using foundation piecing. Marine scientist and quilter Sylvia Schaefer finishes off her quilts with multi-colored binding that perfectly matches the piecing in the quilt. Sponsors… Read More

Mix it Up with Riane Menardi, Fresh Quilting 203

Mix things up with new shapes, colors and stitches. Modern quilter Riane Menardi modifies traditional blocks by changing colors and placement. Free motion quilt artist Christina Cameli uses the walking foot to create spirals. Using her engineering background, quilt designer Yvonne Fuchs creates beautiful quilts with quarter square… Read More