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News & Happenings

Split Hexies, September 2017

This month we’re talking about contrast with the Split Hexie block, designed by Diana Vandeyar, an individual member from Virginia. Split Hexes Block Assembly Instructions   Template Printing and Cutting Instructions For all template pages, print at 100%. Select “Do not scale” or “100%” in printer settings, if necessary. Read More

Death, Grief, and Quilts

It is not often that something hits you completely out of the blue, but this phone call did: my stepmother, my second mother for the past 40 years, was diagnosed with brain cancer. Inoperable, aggressive, irreversible. The diagnosis had come that morning and no one was sure if she had… Read More

Molecular Test, September 2017

“Modern quilt inspiration can be found everywhere, including in science! This quilt is inspired by a scientific test called “gel electrophoresis.” The method allows researchers to separate molecules (usually proteins or DNA fragments) by size. Samples are placed into a gel medium, and an electric current is applied. Small molecules… Read More

Impeccable Piecing with Sarah Sharp, Fresh Quilting 210

Make compelling modern quilts with impeccable piecing. Textile artist Sarah Sharp accentuates design elements by fussy cutting paper piecing motifs. Christina Cameli stitches free motion motifs using rulers. Color expert Nicole Neblett expands foundation piecing to a new level as she makes large scale designs. Sponsors… Read More

Surface Design with Miriam Coffey, Fresh Quilting 209

Design on the surface with textures and colors. Sewing educator and modern quilter Miriam Coffey pieces embroidered fabric along with solids to create new looks for accessories and home dec. Free motion quilt artist Christina Cameli stitches topographical spirals. Blogger and quilter Krista Fleckenstein carves custom blocks and… Read More

Sewing Creatures with Samarra Khaja, Fresh Quilting 208

Celebrate the creatures of the land and sea. Whimsical quilt artist Samarra Khaja combines colorful shapes to create cute fish faces. Karen Womack shares tips on leading a local quilt guild. Blogger and designer Violet Craft sews a regal lion using English paper piecing. Sponsors… Read More

Pacific Inspirations with Luana Rubin, Fresh Quilting 207

Look across the Pacific Ocean for inspiration. Artist and world traveler Luana Rubin shares quilts from the Tokyo Quilt Festival and discusses global fabric and color trends. Free motion quilt artist Christina Cameli uses a walking foot and free motion stitches to make grid-based designs. Graphic artist and… Read More

Transparency with Yvonne Fuchs, Fresh Quilting 206

For special effects, look through the design or use big stitches. Aviator and quiltmaker Yvonne Fuchs uses transparency as a design element. Learn to work with a virtual quilt group to create a quilt for charity. Modern quilter Riane Menardi combines hand quilting with machine quilting to create… Read More

Design As You Go with Anne Sullivan, Fresh Quilting 204

Seize creative opportunities that pop up along the way. Color enthusiast Anne Sullivan shares design principles that inspire her improv quilts. Get ideas for hosting a hand-sewing happy hour. Quilt artist Samarra Khaja adds a whimsical touch to a fun family game using thread sketching. Sponsors… Read More

Mix it Up with Riane Menardi, Fresh Quilting 203

Mix things up with new shapes, colors and stitches. Modern quilter Riane Menardi modifies traditional blocks by changing colors and placement. Free motion quilt artist Christina Cameli uses the walking foot to create spirals. Using her engineering background, quilt designer Yvonne Fuchs creates beautiful quilts with quarter square… Read More