On Modern and Traditional There are a lot of people in the quilt world who dislike the term modern quilting. While I often find the term inadequate to describe what is actually going on with a new generation of quilters, there is another word I find equally problematic: traditional. It is a word used… Read More
Bridges, December 2017 “When designing quilts, I often give myself challenges to work with shapes I’m not comfortable with. I had done some designs working with curves, but I challenged myself to make a block that mixed curved piecing with rectangles or squares. While playing, I came up with this design. I was… Read More
Easy Fabric Dyeing: Create Your Own Solids and Tone-on-Tone Fabrics Sue Bleiweiss’s method for dyeing fabric produces a fabric with an unevenly colored surface — not only does it have a unique look, but it’s also super easy. In this webinar, you’ll learn how to create both solid and tone-on-tone fabrics working with procion dye, Jacquard color magnet and purchased… Read More
Improvisational Piecing from 100 Days of Modern Quilting Welcome to the forth week of 100 Days of Modern Quilting – the Week of Improv! Improvisational piecing (sometimes called free piecing or liberated piecing and shorten to “improv”) is just what it sounds like: sewing together fabric without always measuring and cutting to precise measurements. The freedom of piecing… Read More
Overlapping Squares Block Tutorial This tutorial for a very basic block incorporates an easy to tackle improv piecing technique. Use any three colors, plus your background color to create this look of overlapping squares. Finished block: 15.5″ square Fabric requirements: Background fabric: (2) 5 1/2″ squares Center square fabric:… Read More
Generative Design in Quilting: An Introduction generative.png Generative design is a fascinating cross between art and science, and we are starting to see applications of it in quilting. This webinar will introduce the concept of generative design and how it can be used to influence your design process. Mary will walk you through how… Read More
100 Dagen – Week van de Vormen – Introductie door Latifah Saafir Vertaling voor Marina Brito de Campos voor Quiltersgilde MQG, origineel hier. In deze serie onderzoeken we het toepassen van vormen in quilts, vooral in moderne quilts. Aangezien we slechts 7 quilts kunnen tonen, concentreren we ons op de meest populaire vormen in moderne quilts: vierkanten, cirkels, driehoeken en… Read More
Defrag, November 2017 defrag_full_social.png “Generative design is a fascinating cross between art and science, and we are starting to see applications of it in quilting. This quilt was created using generative design through a program called Processing. Each of the five rows began as identical copies of each other, with 36… Read More
Colored Filled Quilts Tutorial Alexis’s quilt, Flight is the is the featured quilt for the Week of Color Tutorial Round-Up. We’re sharing tutorials from generous quilters around the web that will help you make your own color-filled quilts. Flight by Alexis Deise Alexis’s thoughts on color: The choice of colors for this quilt… Read More