
This is my archive

News & Happenings

Vector, March 2018

The March 2018 Block Study is Vector by Sarah Ruiz, a member of the Houston MQG. It’s a fun and whimsical paper piecing blocks that has loads of possibilities. Find the block pattern and bonus quilt pattern below. Block Assembly Instructions   Cutting: From the light yellow fabric, cut:… Read More

Junior Guild Makes Quilt for #SoaringEagles

By members of the Junior MQG of Broward County To tell you a little about ourselves, we are a high school class that is taught on four levels. During our level three course, we learn and execute the basics of piecing, quilting, and design that goes into making a… Read More

Scoop, March 2018

“Scoop plays with the idea of foreground and background, just ever so slightly. The placement of colors in an ombre arrangement and the repetition of the half circles keep the viewer’s gaze moving inward.  I’m experiencing my first snowy winter in several years, and the colors for this quilt are… Read More

Creating Quilts with Meaning: Material, Form, & Content

As quilters, we make design decisions all the time. Our choices of fabrics, colours, techniques, and subject matter make our quilts unique and meaningful. This webinar will help you answer the question, “What is this quilt about?” and help you make sound decisions when creating your future quilts, whether they… Read More

Side Stripe, February 2018

The February 2018 Block Study is Side Stripe by Renee Tallman, a member of the South Bay Area MQG. It’s a half-square triangle block — with a twist! It features a fun stripe in the middle, making for a fun effect. Measure the blocks for consistency, or go improv! Find… Read More

Positive Illuminations, February 2018

    “Positive Illuminations quilt was inspired by experimenting with the negative and positive space in one of my favorite quilt blocks, the churn dash. By using a high contrast color palette and rotating a few of the elements within the block an entirely new block was created, one that… Read More

Same But Different

In early 2015, a photo of a dress went viral on the Internet. It drove so much interest, as people could not agree on the color of the dress. Some saw black and blue, while others saw white and gold. Neuroscientists have studied human perception for many years, trying… Read More