Leader Webinar: Guild Panel on Virtual Meetings During this unprecedented time, we are all looking for ways to connect virtually. Join Amanda and a panel of guild leaders for guidance on best practices to hold guild meetings over Zoom. Read More
#MQGKeepCalmandSewOn No. 06: Character Improv Quilt Piecing While some makers approach improv from a very unplanned and organic starting point, character improv allows you the opportunity to incorporate some control and planning throughout the process. Read More
Pucker Free, No Whisker Walking Foot Quilting Ever run into trouble with your walking foot quilting? Heard scary stories about walking foot quilting? Let’s dispel some common myths and then talk about strategies and techniques to use to achieve flat, beautiful walking foot quilting. Read More
Craft Connections to the Past Celebrate the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment by learning the history of handicraft as it is tied to the suffrage movement. Diving into the iconography tied to the women’s equality movement, you will be empowered to craft your own homage to the past. This webinar will showcase handicraft possibilities… Read More
#MQGKeepCalmandSewOn No. 05: A Quilter’s Guide to Self-Care As we face an unprecedented global situation and isolation in our homes from Covid 19, it’s not surprising that for many, being at home, worrying about the health and safety of our loved ones is taking its toll. We know it’s the right thing to do, and that that one… Read More
Jumping Creative Hurdles Do you ever get stuck on a project or come to an impasse with a WIP? The actionable tips and tricks in this webinar will help you overcome your creative quandaries and make friends with the process. Tackle those WIPs with confidence!… Read More
Astro Quilt: April 2020 Imagine a future where people live in homes high above the clouds and drive around in cars that fly. The sky is always blue and a robot does all the cooking and cleaning leaving you all the time you need for quilting! Sound like a dream? Or maybe a bit… Read More
Signal Quilt: May 2020 This quilt is traditionally pieced and is appropriate for a confident beginner. It subtly introduces transparency through the use of a light, medium, and dark color structure. There’s an interesting symmetry and asymmetry relationship developed in this quilt. While the bars in the top set are symmetrical to the set… Read More
Ribbons Quilt: June 2020 This quilt combines simple construction with smart color placement to create cheerful, curling ribbons. The drunkard’s path block provides a great introduction to curved piecing. Fabrics used in the sample quilt are Moda Bella Solids in Citrine, Spearmint, Dark Teal, and Royal. … Read More
Member Spotlight: Rebecca Roach At the age of twenty-four, health issues kept Rebecca Roach at home. She suffered from gallbladder complications and often felt very ill. There were occasions when Roach couldn’t do much at all and relied on crafting shows on HGTV to quell her anxiety, pain, and nausea. During bedrest, Roach… Read More