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Blocks, Fresh Quilting Episode 301

This episode of Fresh Quilting features blocks—the most basic of quilt techniques. First up is Ebony Love using negative space in nontraditional quilt blocks. Then, Lee Monroe shares her basic techniques for attaching blocks together. Finally, Eliane Bergmann shows us how to create panels with scraps using a quilt-as-you-go method… Read More

Piecing, Fresh Quilting Episode 302

In this episode of Fresh Quilting, we put things together with piecing techniques. Up first is Catherine Cureton to show us how to strip-piece to save time. Simply cut and sew strips together, then subcut before assembling into blocks. Next, we meet Laura Hartrich and learn pieced modern letters. Make… Read More

Scraps, Fresh Quilting Episode 303

Sometimes as quilters, we struggle to throw out even the tiniest scrap of fabric! In this episode of Fresh Quilting, learn how to utilize those scraps in modern quilts. First, Rossie Hutchinson combines scraps and fat quarters for a multitude of options we can use to create our own unique… Read More

More Modern Blocks, Fresh Quilting Episode 304

Quilt blocks are the true building blocks of modern quilting. In episode 304 of Fresh Quilting, Brenda Ratliffe is our first guest with a lesson on mixing and using string blocks, a popular technique that creates endless variations. Next, Rossie Hutchinson is back to give the traditional log cabin block… Read More

Negative Space, Fresh Quilting Episode 305

One of the hallmarks of modern quilting is the creative use of negative space. We begin this episode of Fresh Quilting with Audrey Esarey and her thoughts on how to use negative space to highlight motifs. Then, Ebony Love returns for a lesson on partial seams – once you learn… Read More

Bits and Pieces, Fresh Quilting Episode 306

Think small in episode 306 of Fresh Quilting as we look at the bits and pieces that make up modern quilting. Laura Hartrich is first up with quilt label tips. Labels are an integral part of every quilt and Laura has three methods for creating them. Then, Audrey Esarey is… Read More

Limits, Fresh Quilting Episode 307

The world of modern quilting is wide open. The many ways to interpret designs and styles can be overwhelming. In episode 307 of Fresh Quilting, we impose our own limits to help narrow down design choices. Ebony Love shares tips to limit the palette when placing color. Next, Catherine Cureton… Read More

Creative Thinking, Fresh Quilting Episode 308

We invite you to broaden your thought process and learn to take a fresh look at quilting with some creative thinking in this episode of Fresh Quilting. Ginny Robinson kicks things off with modern quilts that are inspired by other crafts. Whether the goal is to translate a silhouette, a… Read More

Control, Fresh Quilting Episode 309

In episode 309 of Fresh Quilting, we learn some techniques that can help us keep things under control. Catherine Cureton is first to illustrate that idea with controlled scrappy quilting. She has a new method for sorting fabrics that allows for stress-free scrappy quilting. Then, Audrey Esarey guides us through… Read More