2022-23 Letter from the Board President

Aleeda Crawley

Aleeda Crawley
2023 MQG Board President Aleeda Crawley

Modern Quilt Guild Members and Friends,

This year has been amazing in many ways.  Our organization continues to grow and thrive, and that is thanks to the many volunteers who unselfishly give their time, energy, and ideas to make sure that we remain a welcoming, innovative guild. Our numbers offer a positive story for the Modern Quilt Guild.

While we have reached record membership and attendance at QuiltCon, that does not mean our work is done. Growth must be managed in ways that make every member feel valued and connected.  It is a challenge, but I think we can meet it. We hope to expand our events and provide leadership education without overwhelming our small but mighty staff.  We thank you for your support, and the commitment you have made to be a part of something wonderfully creative.  Onward!