2022-23 MQG Annual Report

Below you will find the MQG Annual Report for July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023. As always, our mission is to support and encourage the growth and development of modern quilting through art, education, and community. 

Letter from Aleeda Crawley,
President of the Board

Read her president’s letter.

Financial Overview from Vikki Gray,

See how the MQG did last year.

QuiltCon Atlanta

February 2023

QuiltCon 2023 was held in February in Atlanta, Georgia with near-record attendance. Chawne Kimber was the featured quilter and a special exhibit featured 20 of her works. In addition to Chawne’s work, quilts from the Brown Sugar Stitchers, the Fulton County Remembrance Project, and an MQG member exhibit of 20 Modern X quilts were also on display.

A word from Karen Cooper, Executive Director