2022-23 Financial Report

From Vikki Gray

The Modern Quilt Guild has had another successful year supporting its mission: to support and encourage the growth and development of modern quilting through art, education, and community. We continue to grow our community of members, during 2023 the Modern Quilt Guild had over 18,000 members worldwide.

In February 2023, our annual convention, Quiltcon, was held in Atlanta, GA. The event was a successful exhibition of modern quilting, featuring more than 600 quilts. Quiltcon was attended by more than 8,300 from all 50 US States and Worldwide. Though sales of Community Outreach Quilts donated by our members, the organization raised over $7,000 that was donated to the Brow Sugar Stitchers Guild of Atlanta for the purpose of making contributions to other 501c(3) organizations local to the region Quiltcon is held. We love seeing how modern quilting can benefit our community in this way.

As the organization continues to grow, the Board of Directors is making concerted strategic investments in the organization by using past profits to improve administrative processes, increase staffing and enrich member experiences. 

July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023Amount
Local Guild Memberships$146,498
Individual Memberships$201,310
QuiltCon Atlanta$1,250,714
Other Income$18,034
Total Support & Revenue$1,616,556
Program Service$1,393,762
General & Administrative$226,379
Total Expenses$1,620,141
Expenses in Excess of Revenues($3,585)